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Summer Is Almost Here Ladies

24 May 2010 @ 17:53

Let’s face it: I’m a red-blooded American manly man who loves red-blooded American feminine women — gals who are strong, but don’t feel the need to act like men.  In order to honor the ladies, I have made myself into one of the select few who can call himself a Rule 5 Mojo Master.  I commanded the victorious allied troops to victory in The War Of The Cleavage and achieved the goal of making the world safe for natural cleavocracy.  While these achievements have been great, I now realize that I have not performed any direct service for the gals of America [not like I used to when I was single].  Please accept my profound apologies, ladies.  As a start on what I hope is a satisfying remedy to this situation, I offer the following to the red-blooded, patriotic women of America…

Summer is almost here and that means its time for you all to be choosing the bathing suits you are planning wear this year.  I want you to know that I have done the research for you and found some of the best of the latest styles for your consideration.  Because you gals come in all shapes and sizes, I have made selections that not only include bikinis, but one piece bathing suits as well. 

First, the bikinis:  Bright and colorful, these two-piecers emphasize the can-do, cheery spirit of the patriotic American gal…

And, now for the one-piece suits: demure and sensual these are my favorites because they leave enough to the imagination, but still showcase the physical charms of the American woman…

Photos courtesy of the New York Post of this past Sunday and Monday.

Of course, one could argue that the best way to go swimming is to do it is God’s bathing suit, like Ashley Graham:

  1. 24 May 2010 @ 20:45 20:45

    Thank you sir, for doing this hard, painful but necessary research. I think the Founding Fathers would have been proud. Especially Ben Franklin

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      24 May 2010 @ 21:35 21:35

      Somebody had to do it, dammit. The ladies deserve the best.

      I hope Ol’ Ben would approve.

  2. 25 May 2010 @ 13:21 13:21

    Something tells me ol’ Ben woulda had a soft spot….uh, that is….well you know…I mean…

    Anyhow, I bet he would have shared my….feelings for Ashley Graham. My goodness, what a big ol’ buncha girl.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      25 May 2010 @ 13:44 13:44

      A Whole Lotta Rosie.


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