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Thank God The Outlaw Women Are On Our Side

29 September 2010 @ 16:54

The Mind Numbed Robot has been laboring over the past few weeks to craft a tribute to the Women Of The Restoration who are out there often leading the charge to restore our freedoms and liberties.  As he describes the process:

A few weeks ago, while listening to some old Hank Jr. I remembered a song he did in the seventies called Outlaw Women. It occurred to me that it might make good background music for a tribute to the conservative ladies in the political arena today. I sought out the tune and upon hearing it again, realized that a few lines just didn’t quite fit what I thought the proper message should be, which lead to a search for a song that did fit, but I kept coming back to the Outlaw. This left one choice. I would have to rewrite some lines and *gasp* sing the thing myself.

What follows is the result of the last few weeks agonizing in the studio over enunciation and phrasing and then compiling photos and learning how to use the video software.

The result is a worthy tribute to a very worthy bunch of gals.  It represents, I think, all of the women who are making the sacrifices and doing the grunt work necessary to advance the cause of taking our country back from those who seek to destroy it and enslave the American People.

I will not embed it here because I want all of you to head on over to the Mind Numbed Robot’s joint and hang around a bit after you watch the video.  He does a bang-up job and is always informative and entertaining.

Let’s help make this Ladys Of Liberty video go viral.

  1. 29 September 2010 @ 17:44 17:44

    That’s been one of my very favorite songs for a very long time. I am awestruck.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      29 September 2010 @ 18:43 18:43

      KC: He did a great job. Thanks for the link.

  2. 29 September 2010 @ 18:50 18:50

    Thanks for the mighty TCOTS linkage Bob. Very nice of you.
    Hope you’re feeling better.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      29 September 2010 @ 23:29 23:29

      You’re quite welcome, MNR. You did a tip top job and I know you spent a lot of time working to get it right.


  1. Outlaw Women « Pixie Place II

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