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Screw You, Hippie [Updated on 20100115@0807]

14 January 2010 @ 20:28

The next time some Baby-Booming, navel-gazing, Bolshe hippie starts on their favorite rant, running down the U.S. Armed Forces, I would recommend you take Ghettoputer’s advice:

By now, you’ve certainly heard about the earthquake in Haiti. Truly a horrible tragedy. Millions of people affected, perhaps hundreds of thousands dead. Haiti on a good day is a hellhole. After this tragedy, it’s worse. No food, no water, no sewer, no hospitals, no shelter. Add to that no functioning government and bodies stacked on the street like cordwood in 90 degree heat, and you’ve got the makings of a nightmare.

So what’s President Obama’s first order of business? Call up the International Red Cross? The United Nations? Oxfam? Amnesty International? The SEIU? Nope. Send in the military.

What does this mean for Haiti? It means that America, on its own dime, while fighting two wars and in the middle of the Great Recession, is going to once again bail out Haiti. Our soldiers and Marines will risk their lives in abhorrent conditions to protect Haitian civilians. Our ships will provide free first-world medical care, clean water, electricity and food to thousands and ask nothing in return. And how can America do this?

America can do this, because despite the protest of dirty, nasty hippies, and the continued efforts of liberal Congresspeople to defund the military, we have the biggest, baddest military on the planet.

Damn straight.

UPDATE on 20100115 at 0807…

Carol, over at Carol’s Closet, is dead-solid-perfect in her comments:

But what the hell would they do without us? Who is it that comes to their aid and rescue? Us. Who sends them food when they are hungry and medicine when they are sick? Us. Who sends their sons and daughters to foreign shores to fight and die for their freedom? Us. They are not our equals and they certainly are not our friends. They will never be our betters. They do squat for us yet we stand by them and lift them up. We owe them nothing but we give them everything. We are the United States of America. The greatest country in the world populated by the greatest people. We are kind, generous and brave. What would they do without us?

I can answer that last question easily: suffer horribly and die.

  1. David R. Graham permalink
    15 January 2010 @ 03:04 03:04

    On this I must disagree: not on the main point, on its premise.

    Haiti is a worthless, hopeless people and land that deserves no help whatsoever from anyone whomsoever.

    The people deserve to be left to shift for themselves without a trace of aid other than what they can muster from their own resources. If that is nothing, they made that bed and deserve to “sleep in it” on their own.

    The land, poor creature, deserves cleansing by being “in the deep bosom of the ocean buried.” She just said as much with her own voice, and she is right. The earth herself hates evil people and will not support them indefinitely, and Haitians are evil people.

    The US military is the world’s finest instrument for large-scale good deeds, and reliably so, thank God.

    But with an evil C-i-C it can only be put to evil ends, even when some good comes of it despite the C-i-C’s intent (AF/PAK, Iraq).

    How many Haitians are in this C-i-C’s entourage and “administration?” They have preferential treatment, as do all Caribbean blacks (e.g., Holder) because as reliable Fanon-istas they are evil or prone to it, uniformly scorn the United States, support Afro-Mohammedan Imperialism and want only to loot the United States, as does their cynosure, the Semi-Kenyan C-i-C, and the world’s hyper-rich of all races, his enablers.

    Anyone who thinks this cabal is going away without convulsion is delusional.

    You want your country, you’re going to have to fight to the death for it, pledging your life, your property and your sacred honor to make it happen. And you had better be willing an able to fight smart. If you won’t or can’t go that far, shut up and accept what’s dished out to you, for you have no grounds for complaint. And if you voted for the evil bastard, “hoping things would get better,” go to hell, you have a non-human intellect and deserve no tolerance.

    With respect, Bob, that’s rough, clearly, not directed at you, obviously, and needs to be stated, morally.

  2. 15 January 2010 @ 07:36 07:36

    Quoted and linked at:

    No matter what we do for the rest of the world it will never be enough but thank God they have us.

  3. bobbelvedere permalink*
    15 January 2010 @ 08:05 08:05

    Rev: No problem; I knew it wasn’t directed at me.

    Carolyn: Spot-on.

  4. 15 January 2010 @ 09:53 09:53

    I plan to throw a few bucks at the Red Cross today or over the weekend, but the use of the military for “humanitarian aid missions” is a misallocation of resources. When it comes to government policy (as opposed to private charity), we should either leave Haiti to shift for itself, or else make it the 51st state. This idea of going in there every few years to clean the place up, install a new government, overthrow the last government we installed, etc. is for the birds.

    Ghetoputer is right that the US has “the biggest, baddest military on the planet.” It’s probably at least four times as large as it needs to be for its legitimate mission (defense of the United States), and having something that big and expensive lying around just tempts the politicians to misuse it.


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