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Gunfight At The Stupid Corral

10 February 2010 @ 14:43

If House Republican Whip Rep. Eric Cantor is to be believed, GOP leaders have accepted our Fearless Leader’s invitation to meet and discuss legislation to reform the health care system live on TV.

I must admit I am worried about this.  After all, we’re talking about The Stupid Party here, the leadership of which has left an awful lot to be desired.  Jim Hoft is concerned as well:

If Republicans sit there and allow the president to continue to lie about his horrible plan and lie about his awful record then they are fools. If they allow the democrats to attack them as the party of no and they just sit there, they are wimps. If they don’t remind Americans about the backroom deals, the Louisiana purchase, the Cornhusker kickbacks, etc. then they are gutless. If they don’t bring their A-game to the meeting, then we’re all sunk.

I agree with Jim on everything except the last sentence because the Republican leadership are fools and wimps.  They’re also out of touch with the mood of the country, their expiration dates having long since passed and decomposition having begun.

My disagreement with the last sentence lies in the notion that ‘we’re all sunk’ if the leaders of the GOP screw-up in the meeting.  We most certainly aren’t.  Sure, our job, which is the restoration of our freedoms and liberties, will be much harder because we will now have to spend a large amount of energy getting rid of the Boehners and McConnells, but we’re charged and ready for a tough fight.  This part of the campaign will just our North African campaign.


SIDENOTE: Over at his joint, Jim is having a contest for those caught in the latest East Coast blizzard.  You can earn some bucks while giving the Greenies a tickle.  Please click here to read the contest details.

  1. Adobe Walls permalink
    11 February 2010 @ 12:50 12:50

    If the republicans play this dangerous game correctly they could win big, I believe the potential benefits outweigh the potential damages. This hypothesis assumes the polls are correct in showing most Americans want to scrap both existing HC bills and start from scratch. I’ve heard several democratic pundits and a democratic congresswoman from Florida, name unremembered, state that both sides agree on 80% of what’s in both bills. WTF? I can’t recall ever hearing anything like that from republican leaders and certainly not from anyone on the Right not in government. I conclude the 80% number is just another of the myths the Bolsheviks call talking points. Here’s how we win. At the post WH meeting press conference John Boehner said he saw no point in using either the House or Senate as a starting point for talks. Based on Obama’s post meeting statements he clearly intends to use the combined/ reconciled 2700 page bill as a starting point. His evil plan is to convince republicans to tack a couple watered down amendments to this bill call it bi-partisan ship and declare victory. None of the republicans and at least some of the democrats are not stupid enough believe this helps their political standings. The republican leadership should announce that starting over is the only rational beginning for bi-partisan talks arrive at the WH, express surprise, shock and dismay that anyone could disagree with this obvious truth and then argue about it until the meeting falls apart due to the weight of it’s apparent stupidity. If the Bolsheviks were really willing to get something, true compromise, meeting halfway as it were is obviously out of the question, they could get something from the republicans. Using Obama care as a start is 2700 page of pointless and hopefully disagreeable disagreement.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      11 February 2010 @ 13:59 13:59

      Your idea could work.

      Let’s hope the GOP leaders display some testicular fortitude for once in their sorry lives.

      • Adobe Walls permalink
        11 February 2010 @ 14:28 14:28

        I believe their sense of self preservation will help as well they do know we’re watching.

        • bobbelvedere permalink*
          11 February 2010 @ 14:35 14:35

          No one ever went broke over-estimating the stupidity of the Republican Party.

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