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The Guns Of America

31 March 2010 @ 20:11

When a thunderstorm is going to roll over you, sometimes you know something is coming by the sound of faint rumblings in the distance, other times it strikes without warning.  In the case of the former, if you don’t heed the rumblings, you run a very good risk of getting hit by a lightening bolt.  Since 20 January 2009, we have been subject to many storms that have originated in Washington.  And they have been relentless.  And we have experienced both types.  The coup d’etat that was the passage of Obamacare was of the former kind, but, relatively speaking, the front did move in rather fast.

Over at That’s Right, Russ, who has very good hearing it seems, has had his ear to the ground and has sensed the distant rumble of gun confiscation.  He’s got a video and offers some spot-on commentary.  If you believe the Second Amendment means what it says, I urge you to head on over to Russ’s joint and check it out.

I have studied Leftism in action since my teens, and Leftist thinking intently for two decades.  I can tell you, without fear of legitimate refutation, that every single Leftist regime, once it achieves a commanding level of control over it’s peoples, as one of its first actions, confiscates it’s citizen’s weapons.

This is the only logical thing for it to do because every Leftist regime fears the independence and power arms give to the individual.

In The United States, the Progressives will come for our guns.  They have no choice for the reasons just explained.  The Leftists have tried to do so in a myriad of ways for many, many years.  Up until the present time, they have had to do it piecemeal through a regulation here, a law there, state-by-state or hidden in Congressional bills, as the tradition of gun ownership is so embedded in the American Psyche that the Left knew they could never been brazen enough to do it fully out in the open.  Instead they have had to whittle away [as they do with so many other of our freedoms and liberties] little by little, often having to resort to the ‘just being reasonable’ argument.

Now the Progressives are emboldened.  They believe this is their moment when destiny has called them, as the song says, for just once in a lifetime, they’re going to do great things.

Russ has warned us of the storm that’s a coming.  Are we going to (1) listen and (2) be prepared?

Methinks the moment calls for this song:

  1. Red permalink
    31 March 2010 @ 21:06 21:06

    Gave you an honorable mention over at ‘bot.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      31 March 2010 @ 21:11 21:11

      You’re a pal, Red. By the way, you reminded me of something: see my next post.

  2. 31 March 2010 @ 21:48 21:48

    Thank you Bob. While in honesty we’ve already crossed such, any overt action towards a small arms treaty would be the bridge too far.

  3. 31 March 2010 @ 22:38 22:38

    Red left me a comment over at the MNRobot, to here.
    No one is saying any thing that will get their attention.
    They expect an uprising- note the Militia in Michigan.
    The so called Militia. Their name sounds to funny and their mission statement
    is to uneducated in the Biblical for running’s of the Return.
    It is to early for the Anti to set center stage. All educated Saints know this.
    I have said that these nutjobs will use the bible to manipulate the masses.
    As with the Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) as the proto type -the Little Horn in Daniel;
    Marilyn Manson’s grouppies called him the Little Horn.
    These Libs know the Bible better than most Good People.
    And as such will manipulate the masses to block every thing the Saints do or say.
    There is a way if acted upon quickly but it is a collective effort on the Bloggers part.
    I have laid it out before on some good blogs- but was labeled an activist.
    I have but all but given up in warning anyone of the things that are in the next few months.
    They know their time is short and in dire need of turning public opinion their way.


  1. That's Right

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