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Profile In…Er..Somthing

04 April 2010 @ 13:03

From the Fox News Channel, we learn:

Travelers flying into the United States will be subject to selective screening based in part on whether they exhibit characteristics of suspected terrorists while travelers from more than a dozen flagged countries will no longer automatically be pulled aside, under new security changes announced Friday.

Travelers flying into the United States will be subject to selective screening based in part on whether they exhibit characteristics of suspected terrorists while travelers from more than a dozen flagged countries will no longer automatically be pulled aside, under new security changes announced Friday.

The Department of Homeland Security is adding the new layer of security measures in the wake of the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a Detroit-bound flight.

Travelers from 14 countries that have been home to terrorists will no longer automatically face extra screening before they fly to the U.S. — a policy enacted temporarily after the failed attack.

Instead, the enhanced measures could apply to any passenger traveling by air to the United States but would not target everyone. Previously, authorities needed the name of a suspect to screen against passenger names.

“To more effectively mitigate evolving terrorist threats, these measures utilize multiple, random layers of security,” a senior administration official told Fox News. “Both seen and unseen and are tailored to intelligence about potential threats.”

Additional screening will be conducted on passengers traveling into the country if they match “current, intelligence-driven and threat-based characteristics,” the official said.

As William Teach comments [tip of the fedora to him for the report above]:

That sounds, my goodness, like profiling! Which is a good thing, at least from the Right side of politics. It’s nice to be able to give Barry a “virtual” pat on the back and say “good, job, Sparky!”

Admiral Teach is a kinder man than I [and I wouldn’t touch Barry O to pat him on the back ’cause I hear that slime rubs off].  He also wonders how the rabid civil liberties crowd will react to this.

After reading this report and then thinking about the civil liberties crowd, one phrase came to mind:

Oceania is at war with Eastasia; Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

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