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Cleaning Out The Cache

07 April 2010 @ 21:10

Here’s the latest and some stuff I haven’t had a chance to get to as we’ve been hurtling our way along the road to perdition…

-Let’s start off with some good news: Stacy McCain is heading out on the road again:

Yes, folks, I’m about to hit the road to New Orleans to cover the four-day Southern Republican Leadership Conference, which will feature not only the above-named superstars, but also RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Rep. Mike Pence and many, many more.

No word yet on whether Louisiana Republican Stormy Daniels will attend the conference, but Dave “Not a Total Douchebag” Weigel has the lowdown on the SRLC 2012 presidential straw-poll. So if there’s a write-in vote for Stormy . . .

He’s open up the Shoe Leather Reporting Fund again.  Click here to donate and here to see his projected expenses.

Do your part to support Patriotic Right Wing Gonzo Reporting.

-Chairman, President, CEO, CFO, HMO, MOE of Paco Enterprises, Paco has been on a roll lately with some great postings.  In this one, he’s looked into his environmentally safe crystal ball into the future and transcribed a session between an IRS Obamacare enforcer and a rather smart young lady.  A highlight:

An IRS office in Northern Virginia. An investigator sits in his cubicle – the first in a line of twenty – updating himself on the file of a health act violator he’s about to interview. He bellows to a secretary sitting at a desk

IRS agent: Maria! I’m ready to see Ms. Howell. Send her in…Good morning, Ms. Howell. Sit there. Ok, let’s cut to the chase. You’re here today because there’s no evidence that you’ve purchased health insurance. This is the law of the land, Ms. Howell. Why haven’t you purchased health insurance?

Sitting directly across from him is a three-year-old girl, in a pink dress, with big blue eyes, her light-brown hair done up in pigtails. Having laboriously climbed onto the chair, she sits quietly, sucking on a tootsie pop. She holds up three fingers on a chubby little hand.

Agent: No, no, no. That won’t do Ms. Howell. It doesn’t matter that you’re only three years old. The law says…

Girl [Pulling sucker out of her mouth]: Gah go pee.

Agent: What? Oh. Well, we’ll talk about that later.

One almost hopes the Bolshes stay in office for a while because their seditious actions seem to bring out the best in our friend Paco.

-Over at Three Beers Later, Richard delivers a well justified slap upside the head to Allahpundit.  ‘Over a difference in policy’, you ask?  No.  ‘Well then, over him getting his squish on?’  Nope.  Over this:

Allahpundit wants Sarah Palin to endorse legalizing pot. Because THAT’s the driving issue of the day. Ain’t like there’s nothing else on the table right now, is it?

In normal times, we can afford to put up with such silliness, but not now.  Good for you, Richard…if fact, smack him again.

-From him we also learn that the so-called ‘Right Wing Terrorist’ Michigan Militia leader, who was arrested by the federalesis a registered Democrat.  I didn’t hear that anywhere else; did you?

-In his Easter Address, The Anointed One said:

While we worship in different ways, we also remember the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all — Jews and Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike.

Yup, I threw-up in my throat too.  If you listened to the whole thing, I’m sure you ended up at it’s conclusion with the dry heaves.  Let Theblogprof be your soothing Pepto Bismal by clicking here [tip of the fedora to William Teach].

-Speaking of Admiral Teach, he has the 411 on the politicization of The White House Easter Egg Roll.  Nothing is safe from these seditious bastards and their ideology.

-Nice Deb has, perhaps, the best Easter posting round-up here [it includes two very good videos].

-Guest blogging over at the Washington Rebel, The Classic Liberal makes a convincing case for repealing the 17th Amendment to The Constitution.  He makes many persuasive points, but this one is the best:

Repealing the 17th Amendment would reinstate the states’ proper relationship to the federal political process, and also have the effect of increasing the importance of the individual state legislatures. In other words, “we the people” would be more focused on our states, rather than on the federal government. Because with state legislatures appointing the Senators to represent their state, they would then have direct influence over the selection of federal judges and the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary.

-Also over at the Washington Rebel recently, proprietor Irish Cicero posted something that expresses the way a lot of typical Americans feel now [it’s so good, I have to post it in full — hope you don’t mind Irish]:

My country is at war. Not with a foreign enemy — although that is true, too. We are at war with the enemy within. Call it progressivism, the Democratic Party, call it what you will. I’ll tell you I call it:


I have allowed others to bully me as to what I can say, and think; I have been afraid to raise my voice in opposition to the evil I have seen. I have believed, foolishly — without any evidence to support that belief — that deep down Democrats loved America, too, even if they were misguided.

What, you say, you let yourself be bullied, Cicero?

Indeed. I was raised to be a gentlemen. I have been polite and deferential to fellow Americans, as though they were my equals.

And this is how they have responded to my trust:

With Tyranny.

This is the age of No Quarter.

-Great minds think a like and, it seems, often at the same time, which explains why what Jimmie Bise wrote and posted over at The Sundries Shack last week complements my posting of the same day The Messengers Of Death And Destruction.  Here’s Jimmie:

…See, progressives believe that they are angels fit to govern men and if they could be in charge, then government could operate fettered only by their angelic motives. Conservatives, and the bulk of the American people, know that is folly, which is why you’ll hear the left voice their belief only by accident or when they think they can not be stopped. The truth of the matter is that no man is an angel. Our Founders knew that centuries ago and they baked that fact into the cake. The result has been a country unlike any other, the legendary shining city on a hill, home of freedom, prosperity, and opportunity for anyone who wants to come and join us.

And we conservatives wouldn’t want it to be any other way.

Damn straight.

-In as many days, Stacy McCain has published two very incisive postings on the state of the American economy.  Both are written in plain English so even I could understand them.

From his first one:

The idiotic suggestion that the U.S. economy has “turned a corner” and is now in recovery — that we are on a glide-path to an unemployment rate at ”pre-recession levels near 5 percent” by 2014 — requires us to ignore several potential impending catastrophes. The first of these is a likely wave of bank failures resulting from the implosion of the commercial real-estate market, possibly a financial meltdown as bad as the 2008 crisis caused by the bursting of the housing bubble.

Hear that train a comin’, comin’ round the bend.

From his second:

Back in the early ’80s when I was doing rock ‘n’ roll, you’d hand somebody a demo tape and automatically include apologies for the crappy quality — the tape hiss, the fact you didn’t have time to get the vocals just the way you wanted them, etc. A buddy of mine would interrupt this obligatory spiel with a simple phrase, “All caveats,” which is to say, he understood that it was just a rough demo recording and didn’t need to hear all the disclaimers.

So today Fannie Mae issued a new housing report, and Megan McArdle calls it “the first real good news I’ve seen in the housing market,” but then begins to offer caveats, e.g., “a long period of stagnant prices” and “vacancies remain very high” and “so many distorting price signals.”

Collectively, McArdle’s caveats add up to saying that (a) this report may not be such “real good news” after all, and (b) government has muddled up the market with so many screwball incentives that we’ve got no clue whether real estate has actually bottomed out yet….

Best to adopt John Derbyshire’s attitude so you won’t feel depressed when the market hits the fan.

-When the Haldron Collider successfully began making sub-atomic particles collide recently without the world being sucked in to a black hole it was feared would be created in France [as if we would notice the difference], The New York Times began their report with this line:

After 16 years and $10 billion — and a long morning of electrical groaning and sweating — there was joy in the meadows and tunnels of the Swiss-French countryside Tuesday….

Okay…sounds to me as if the reporter ain’t been gettin’ some lovin’ lately.  The TrogloPundit was on top of the story here [bad choice of words?].

-That is it for now thrill seekers.

  1. Gatordoug permalink
    07 April 2010 @ 22:49 22:49

    No love for the Gator? 😉

  2. 08 April 2010 @ 10:58 10:58

    Don’t mind a bit, young man.

    Thanks for letting me know. I’ve been EXTREMELY BUSY this week. Catching stuff on the fly.

    Damn Fine Bloggin’, Belvedere.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      08 April 2010 @ 11:21 11:21

      1) Forty-eight going on seventy-three ain’t young.

      2) You might want to close your fly now and again.

      3) And, you’re damn welcome.

  3. 08 April 2010 @ 11:06 11:06

    It’s the Fedora. Never trust a guy in a fedora. It’s the manly cowboy hat that is the mark of the true conservative blogger…

    Maybee an NRA or NASCAR gimme cap for casual wear.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      08 April 2010 @ 11:22 11:22[cough]…I wear fedoras.


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