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The Stink Rising From The Volga

13 April 2010 @ 09:25

The death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and a good number of Polish government officials in a plane crash as they were flying to attend a memorial service at Katyn where Polish soldiers were massacred by the Soviets has prompted a lot of whispering about possible alternative explanations for the why the aeroplane went down. 

The Hyphenated American, he of Russian-Jewish-Cossack origin and who lived under the jack boot of the Soviets, speaks for many when he writes:

It is my personally feeling that the death of the Polish president is hardly accidental. It’s beyond any doubt that Lech Kaczynski was an obstacle to Russian silent aggression in Eastern and Western Europe and not-so silent aggression in the Caucasus. It is also clear that he was not liked by the liberal establishment in Western Europe and US, as well as the Obama administration – because he was a man who saw things too clearly, and who was not shy to point out liberal nonsense.

Lech Kaczynski was not educated in the post-modern politically-correct Ivy League schools of soft sciences – he learned how the world worked under the Soviet regime in the Poland – and he never forgot the lessons he was taught by the regime. Lech Kaczynski spent a big part of his life living in Obama’s Utopia, in a country which was run in accordance to “Dreams From My Father” – and he knew the insides and outs of Obama-paradise – probably better than Obama knows them himself. The “Glorious Future” that some liberals hope will come 100 years from now to US was Lech Kaczynski’s horrible past. This could not be forgiven. Lech Kaczynski objected to Western liberals and Russian plutocrats – and it was dangerous – and in the end this is what killed him.

The most likely scenario is that the Russian bear (with tacit Obama approval) decided to demonstrate to the Eastern European democracies that the Empire is back with a vengeance. It is no accident that this happened a few days after Obama agreed to disarm America in order to appease the Russian despots. No reasonable observer can neglect to notice that US president is openly resentful of the US allies, and Russian elites fully understand that the entire Europe is now ripe to bend under the pressure from Moscow.

As vice-president Joe “dumbass” Biden astutely observed in 2008 – the enemies of America will come to test the new president – and 2010 is the year when his prophesy will be realized. Putin-Medvedev clan is now showing to all Eastern European leaders than they can assassinate anyone without fear of revenge. The Putin’s policy of killing Russian dissidents now spilled outside of the Russian borders – the gang is now killing foreign heads of state. Obama’s posturing made the world a much more dangerous place.

Given that Russia is living under the rule of a fascist thug regime and the understandable suspicions of every action of the Putin Gang by the other peoples of Eastern Eurpoe [see: History], I must say I’m not surprised at all the speculation.  One of the factors that lends credence to them is that the Russian government has been assassinating journalists who investigate the abuses and thuggery of the regime with impunity and railroading and jailing businessmen with brazen abandon. 

I don’t know if HA is right, but I do know I would not trust any explanation that comes out of the Kremlin, nor would I put much reliance on any evidence they let outsiders look at. 

Stalin the cunning, mauling bear has been reincarnated as Putin the vicious, poisonous snake… 

…And our Anti-President has given him carte blanche to bite at will.

The Hyphenated American writes that ‘Obama’s posturing made the world a much more dangerous place’.  Quite.  It seems our Fearless Leader likes it that way.

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