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The Ides Of April [Updated below]

15 April 2010 @ 14:48

We interrupt this posting to bring you a word from your hopeychangey friends at your Federal Government…



The government needs your tax money to pay for all the good things like justice for all, health care for all, cleaner air and water for all, jobs for all, happiness for all!

You must file your taxes by midnight tonight!*


*unless you are an employee of the Executive or Legislative branches of the Federal Government, friend of The Messiah, union leader, or friend of Mr. Soros.

Now back to our regularly scheduled DHS-Certified Right Wing Extremist blogging….

-TEA Party Rallys are being held all over the country on this black day, the Ides Of April, the day when the national government demands it’s several pounds of flesh from it’s emaciated subject to fund it’s slothful ways.

-Washington DC:

= Stacy McCain and Smitty are live blogging from that rally.

= DaTechguy will be reporting from the Rally as time and internet connectivity permits. ‘DaTechguy in DC!’, you say.  Yup.  I don’t know how he did it, but DTG got on the TEA Party Express III bus in Boston yesterday and is now doing his thang in the belly of the beast.  Pete’s filed two quick reports from DC here and here.  He has provided us with some great coverage [text, pictures, video] of the Boston Tea Party here, here, here, here, and here [there’s more on the way that he hasn’t been able to post yet, so please do keep checking back in with Pete]. 

= Barbara Espinosa is there and will be filing a report later [until then, check out the story of her wild night that saw her end up with two men in her room — who says we conservatives can’t party!].

= Pundette’s there and I’m sure she’ll have a report later.

-Syracuse, NY: The Lonely Conservative will be covering this Rally which starts at 1600 hours EST.

-I’ll be updating later.

UPDATE at 1649…

-Stacy McCain has up a posting about an incident of union thuggery at yesterday’s Boston Tea Party that was not covered by the MSM even though it was captured on video. 

-He also casts his vote for Best Sign at today’s DC Rally:

I must say: I agree.

-Pat Austin is recovered enough from her illness that she will be attending at Shreveport/Bossier TEA Party this evening.  Look for a report from her.

-Fishersville Mike has a pic of TEA Party Barbie.

  1. 15 April 2010 @ 20:02 20:02

    OK, once more with feeling: Off topic, but…
    Bob, what does one have to do to get the SiteMeter widget up and running? First buy an upgrade?

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      15 April 2010 @ 20:32 20:32

      Did you ask this of me before? I’m so sorry if I forgot to respond.

      You can get the basic Sitemeter function to work on a free WordPress blog. Sadly, the JAVA version won’t work like it does on Blogger [if you want more, you will have to pay WordPress or use a different host; see here].

      I put the HTML code Sitemeter provides for copying into a Text Widget. Put nothing in the Title field and paste the code in the body of the widget.

      SIDENOTE: I rarely look at Sitemeter anymore as I find the WordPress stats tell me all I need to know, but, of course, your needs may be different.

  2. 15 April 2010 @ 20:53 20:53

    Thanks Bob. Naw, I hit something on the keyboard that erased my entire first-go-’round query – wasn’t sure whether it got sent or zapped.

    So… Text Widget. Thanks!!


  3. 16 April 2010 @ 00:10 00:10

    Yup. I don’t know how he did it, but DTG got on the TEA Party Express III bus in Boston yesterday and is now doing his thang in the belly of the beast.

    Yours truly was fortunate enough to get a front-row seat to the interesting antics of Da Tech Guy, which resulted in him hopping aboard the last bus to leave Boston. If you really want to know, let’s break out the bourbon and talk about Tea Party Boston 2010.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      16 April 2010 @ 18:46 18:46

      I wish I could Roxe, but I woke up today with, it seems, the cold that’s running through my office. Rain check? [kind of approriate considering the weather in New England today]


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