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A Foretaste Of A Bitter Cup [Updated Below]

03 May 2010 @ 14:20

On May Day all across the country groups of illegal immigrants [aka: B & E criminals], along with sympathizers made up of the usual suspects, rallied to demand that their crimes not only be forgiven, but rewarded with an amnesty that will allow them to suckle off of the national, state, and local government teat, just like real Americans.

These rallies were, of course, sympathetically covered by the MSM.

What wasn’t covered was the rioting that went on at a few of them.

Over at The Pirate’s Cove, William Teach has covered two of them — one in Santa Cruz and the other in Asheville, North Carolina:

Shockingly, the NY Times, Alan Colmes, and all the others freaking out about the TEA Parties who clean up their own garbage are silent. Frank Rich, Paul Krugman, the folks are the Washington Post, and President Obama have nothing to say. I wonder why?

Jeez, you’d think these rioters would be TEA Party folks or something…what gives?

The fact of the matter is: those who enter this country without following the law or who overstay their visas are criminals who have committed Breaking And Entering.  Further, as they are not citizens of The United States, they do not have the privilege of being protected by The Constitution.  They have no right to a trial or to be confronted by their accusers — those rights are reserved for citizens of The United States.

Enough with the pussyfooting around this issue.  Unlike many, this one is pretty damn simple and cut and dried.

SIDENOTE: Speaking of May Day, Admiral Teach has a very good posting reminding us that the celebration is about much more than unearned amnesty for illegal aliens.  A highlight:

Remember, May Day is all about the commies / socialists / anarchists / liberals and their “I’m entitled! Gimme!” attitudes, plus a good smattering of anti-capitalism.

It’s Leftist Utopiamas!

UPDATE at 1859…

The Mind Numbed Robot has put together an outstanding aggregation covering the violence and the lack of MSM coverage.  He was also kind enough to link your humble Dispatcher.