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Helen Thomas Would Approve

07 June 2010 @ 09:47

From Maggie, mistress of Maggie’s Notebook, we learn:

Egypt and Israel have had a tentative peace for thirty years. It has mostly worked. Now as the world, including the U.S. moves to isolate Israel, Egypt is emboldened and joins the fray in a very big way. Egyptian men married to Jews of Jewish descent will be stripped of their citizenship. I feel a distinct touch of Hitler’s hand, here.

All across the world, hatred of the Jews is coming out in the open.  It would seem many anti-Semites out there no longer feel compelled to hide their hatred of God’s chosen people.  Perhaps it is because they feel emboldened by the fact that the leaders of Europe are so vocal in their anti-Israelism.  Perhaps it is because the leader of the most powerful country in the world has made it clear that his sympathies lie with the Muslims and has provided hints, just hints, that he, too, despises the Jews — certainly they annnnoyyyyy him [unless, of course, they’re self-hating Jews like Rahm Emanuel…hey, Stalin had a bunch of those around him].

The question you have to ask yourself is: What would Helen Thomas Do?

At the end of her posting Maggie reminds us of something Barack Hussein Obama once said:

One of the prettiest sounds on earth” is the Muslim call to prayer at sunset.

Could this be one explanation?

  1. 07 June 2010 @ 10:06 10:06

    Thanks so much for lovely link! This story yesterday makes me wonder if Egyptian men in Egypt, and married to an Israeli women, will lose their citizenship, and be wearing a Star of David on their arm before long.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      07 June 2010 @ 10:37 10:37

      Why not! The world is so turned upside down these days, nothing like that would surprise me at all.


  1. Long-time Liberal Journalist, WH Correspondent Helen Thomas Retires After Anti-Jew Comments (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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