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Obama Wilder Publications, Inc.

14 June 2010 @ 17:32

I know that I’m late in getting to this story, but it angers the Hell out of me…

The Daley Gator, Another Black Conservative, and Jeremy Sarber all posted about this story covered by Newsbusters and Fox News.  From Fox News Channel, Diane Macedo reporting:

A small publishing company is under fire after putting warning labels on copies of the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and other historical documents.

Wilder Publications warns readers of its reprints of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, Common Sense, the Articles of Confederation, and the Federalist Papers, among others, that “This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.”

The disclaimer goes on to tell parents that they “might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”

Gator Doug has more details, a link to the Newbusters report, and some commentary here.

Clifton offers some spot-on commentary, including this:

There is something terribly wrong when the founding documents that for over 200 years made America the envy of the world requires a warning label.

I feel a song coming on…

There’s something happening here
What it is, is exactly clear
There’s a man with a press over there
Telling me I’ve got to beware

We better stop, hey, what’s that sound
The Constitution’s going down

Jeremy Sarber, too, has some spot-on observations and asks a very good question:

This is so absurd it is hardly worth mentioning. First of all, every published work listed here is an important part of our history. History is history. Are there really people out there who are so sensitive that they could be offended by the writings of Thomas Paine or John Jay?

Sadly, Mr. Sarber, the answer is a resounding ‘YES!’ in these days of the successful march of the Left throughout all of the institutions and areas of the culture.

Something tells me our beloved Comrade Obamnin would approve of the warning, but, hey, maybe I’m being too harsh on the jug-eared priss.  Therefore, to be fair, I challenge someone in The White House Press Corps to ask the question.  I also dare any of the MSM’s big time personalities, the next time they fellate interview our Fearless Leader to ask him what he thinks of the disclaimer — Fox too [I mention them separately because they’ve so far keep it platonic].

SPECULATION: If someone dared to ask him the question, would he respond that the copyright year of the warning in 2007 and, therefore, it’s George W. Bush’s fault?

  1. 14 June 2010 @ 18:04 18:04

    If I didn’t think the Constitution reflected today’s values, I wouldn’t have devoted the last two decades to defending it.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      14 June 2010 @ 20:09 20:09

      Hey buddy, get with the program…this is the post-American era.

  2. 15 June 2010 @ 20:32 20:32

    Amen and amen. Of course, you knew my position on it already.

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