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Ten Buck Friday [Evening]

16 July 2010 @ 22:47

‘Hey Bob: What the bejesus is Ten Buck Fridays?’, you ask.

Dame Maggie, mistress of Maggie’s Notebook, has the details over at her emporium.  A highlight it:

Conscientiously Conservative came up with a great idea. Each Friday she is donating $10 to a worthy conservative candidate now up to the November election. Several bloggers have joined the effort. Note that, if $10 is too much, do less, or do more if you can. The point is to get it on our calendars and in our minds – rather than putting it off for another time.

She’s got all the details on how easy it is to participate and what to do here.  There’s even a page for it on something called ‘Facebook’ [something new, I think].

The Lonely Conservative has the results of this week’s poll* over at her place.

Maggie has the candidate’s background information over at Stop The ACLU.

Nice Deb has a list of the sixty-one participating blogs and is still nice.

* Next week we’ll have the result of the latest Czech,
the week after, the latest Italian, etc…

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