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The Righteous Rant Of The Day…

21 July 2010 @ 17:52

…comes courtesy of the always courteous Paco, CIO [among other titles] of Paco Enterprises.  He is fed up with all of those Establishment pundits who keep whining and moaning about how they’re disappointed in Obama and find him to be an enigma.  Propriety does not allow me to reprint the whole of his rant, so a small shot will have to do:

Obama is an arrogant, inexperienced ideologue whose climb up the political career ladder has been assisted by the Democratic machine at every step. He has been insulated from the vetting process of our rough-and-tumble political system by a host of cronies and operators, in an environment (Chicago) where, with the endorsement of the permanent ruling class, failure is almost impossible. He grasped the brass ring of the presidency, lifted up by an adoring media, for which his candidacy and ultimate victory represented the happy ending to the gloomy narrative of the Bush years….

Please do take the time to click here and read the rest of this wonderful declamation on the dickheadian delineators of dreck.

Something to remember: the so-called political experts, the oracles of worldly wisdom, the keepers of the grand insights, like Richard Cohen, Peggy Noonan, E.J. Dionne, David Brooks, et. al. all keep expressing their amazement at this mysterious man in The White House and their profound disappointment that he has not been The Messiah they though he was.  This should confirm once and for all, if you still had any doubt, never, ever listen to the Newt Gingrichs, Paul Krugmans, David Frums, and Thomas Friedmans of this world.

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