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The People Under the Stairs

25 August 2010 @ 14:25

It’s not just the bureaucrats and elected officials who we have to constantly keep an eye on in order to prevent mischief from being done to our freedoms and liberties [although, Lord knows, they do keep us quite busy enough], as Paco reminds us.  They have a semi-silent allies that creep around the American wainscoting like rampaging cockroaches.

I’m speaking of the NGO’s.  From Paco:

One prop of progressivism that people tend to overlook is the increasing power of NGOs (non-governmental organizations). These private (but often taxpayer-subsidized) advocacy groups are elected by no one, answer to no one, are accountable to no one. Yet they are becoming increasingly influential, especially through their congressional lobbying and the courts.

Case in point? The Center for Food Safety got a federal judge to revoke the Dept. of Agriculture’s approval of modified sugar beets – which account for 95% of the entire beet crop, and 50% of the nation’s sugar.

Please do take the time to click here and read the whole posting.

The key here is that these organizations are taxpayer-funded and, yet, for all intents and purposes, they do not answer to us, the sovereign people, nor have we ever authorized them to act as goverment-like entities.

The NGO’s have also played a very cunning game over the years, reaching out to the kind of people who end up being judges, heads of agencies and departments, and political power brokers.  They wine and dine and get these Beautiful People to sign on the dotted line.

Thus, the NGO’s have many ‘friends’ in positions of power throughout all levels of government from the heads of Federal Departments to town Conservation Committees and Boards Of Health.

The NGO’s exist outside the bounds of citizen oversite and, thus, they are a deadly and destructive virus in the American body, acting against the interests of The Republic and everything for which it stands.

Bravo to Paco for reminding us of the NGO danger [I am one of those who often forgets about it — forgive me, Father Paco, for I have sinned]

  1. Adobe Walls permalink
    25 August 2010 @ 21:38 21:38

    They are part of what keeps the left alive in between Social Democratic regimes. NGOs provide incomes for various appointees when there are Republican Presidents. If one were to decide on more energetic ways of defeating the leftists the NGOs would be a good place to start.
    I would also be surprised if they could withstand truly rigorous financial audits, aren’t most of them nonprofits? If they are staffed by leftists, particularly elitist leftists they by definition lack a moral compass. AS the Right has been ignoring them and the Left doesn’t care who knows what one might find behind some of that trim-work.

  2. bobbelvedere permalink*
    26 August 2010 @ 09:58 09:58

    Adobe: They are another front in The War Of Independence II.

  3. Adobe Walls permalink
    27 August 2010 @ 00:51 00:51

    Stumbled on this and am very concerned. Please tell me that “The Vast Right wing conspiracy is not just one of Hillary’s paranoid delusions if it does not indeed exist we need to get started immediately.


    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      27 August 2010 @ 08:50 08:50

      Adobe: Believe me, the VRWC is very real and is, indeed, as vast as Paris Hilton’s WhoWho. It was inevitable that it would rise up to battle The Illuminati. I hope this heartens you. I can tell you that you are being considered for membership in the Justified Ancients of Mummu [JAMS as is ‘Kick Out The JAMS’]. Be advised that, if you are granted this high honor, you will be expected to become a master at implementing Operation Mindfuck and vow, on your life, to battle the forces of Ewige Blumenkraft.

      Hagbard Celine

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