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Cleaning Out The Cache

10 October 2010 @ 20:42

Here’s the latest and some stuff I haven’t had a chance to get to as we’ve been hurtling our way along the road to perdition…

-It’s been a number of months since I’ve done one of these and it seemed to me that the time was right because of my being prevented by various circumstances from posting in the past few weeks.  While my productivity is down, I have kept reading the posts of all my Friends In The Ether and there’s a lot of good stuff I’d like to bring to you attention.  I’m going to get as much done before I have to get back to working from home, so I may be updating this post later on.

-Doug and Ed over at The Daley Gator have always been generous with throwing the link love at your humble Dispatcher.  For October they have named me Blog Of The Month and I humbly thank them [just my luck that this month has seen me posting the least!].

=GatorDoug has up a good posting on the latest idiocy coming from the Prince Of Fails.  I suspect that Chucky’s just saying out loud what a lot of the Green Grimys really think.

=He’s got another one wherein he has the shocking video of another crazed TEA Partier stepping into another thrown fist — they’re such a menace to utopian society.

=Ed understands that there’s a reason this guy is named Dick.

=Don’t forget that Ed does one of the best news aggregations on the web, The Daily Benefactor; his latest can be found here.

-Speaking of damn good aggregations, one of the best places to find them is over at Vicki McClure Davidson’s joint, the Frugal Cafe Blog.  Typical of the great work she does is her coverage of the Carlsbad school shooting.  It’s not all serious stuff she covers: today is 10/10/10 and she’s got the 411 on all of the interesting stuff being done to capitalize on that fact [you Hitchhiker’s Guide fans should check it out].

-Since this is the year all of the babes running for office have been running under the Republican banner, I think LL’s question, Do Liberal Women Age Poorly, is very timely.

-DaTechGuy has gotten his own radio show!  Here’s the full text of his announcement [emphasis mine]:

Just got home from my meeting this morning, the contracts are yet to be drawn up, but as of this moment I can tell you that DaTechGuy on DaRadio is ON!

The first show will likely be just after the elections to allow the prep work and promotion for a new show to get off the ground, but the time slot is going to be Saturday nights at 9 p.m. just after Conservatively Speaking.

So keep some time on Saturday evening open, because after dark WCRN’s 50,000 watts covers New England, reaches into Canada and you might be able to hear us as far west as Pennsylvania.

And of course if you aren’t in your car the live stream can be heard all over the world.

So dear readers, make DaTechGuy on DaRadio a regular part of your Saturday nights.

And if you have a business, or an organization that would like to reach people interested in politics and blog readers, drop me a line and hop on board!

If you’ve already agreed to an ad-buy now is the time to send me either your script or your already produced spot.

Here’s the link to listen to WCRN’s live streaming.  If you’re going to try and listen to it on the air, WCRN is located at 830AM.

-After much reflection and consumption of amber liquids, the Mind Rumbed Numbed Robot has decided to go tabloid [for some reason, he’s blaming me!].  The only question I have after reading his rant is: did they do an anal probe?

-Steven Givler [who is back stateside for a while] takes on the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals decision to allow ‘foreign nations to file amicus briefs in the case being built by the Department of Justice against Arizona’s new [immigration] law’ in postings here and here.

-Dear Abby ain’t got nuthin’ on Dear Roxe.

-Steve Burri [the Good Burri, not the Evil Burri] has a great idea for convincing Bolshes to consider being in favor of the repeal of Obamacare.

-Over at Maggie’s Notebook, Dame Maggie reports on some folks pulling a very disgusting prank against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerman, probably as a result of the fact that his company is purging NAMBLA and folks like it from Facebook.

-One of the most thoughtful commentators in The Ether is James Nicholas, proprietor of What The…?!.  Checkout this one.  Here’s a good one about the feminization of men and their fashion.

-Chris Wysocki, who is a ‘friend of ours’ from New Jersey, posted some very good commentary on the U.S. District Court Judge Steeh’s ruling that Obamacare is allowed under the Interstate Commerce Clause.  In fact, he was so spot-on, some Bolshe at The New York Times felt compelled to quote him!

-Chris is also now a contributor over at Right Wing News [bravo, John Hawkins]  His first column is on Chris Christie and it’s good [he’s even gotten his first RWN Moonbat.].

-Today over at The Sundries Shack the special is roasted MSNBC.

-I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it: you can always count on Ran to class up the joint.

-I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it: The Pirate’s Cove is THE place to go for the latest info on the set of scams known as Global Warming Climate Change Climate Disruption.  Did you know that dying is bad for the climate.

-The Lonely Conservative has been providing some top-notch election coverage, reporting on stories we might not otherwise hear about [here’s one].  Thanks, TLC.

-Now that those Peruvian miners will be free in a few days, does this mean Lipton T. Bagg will be back among us again, finally?

-Over at Smash Mouth Politics, John Doe is mad at some of his fellow VRWC members [funny, he never gets mad at anyone] and Neo Victorian is getting all excited about the Winter Olympics [and who can blame him?].

-You’ll notice above that I’ve not linked to the gang over at the Washington Rebel.  There’s a very good reason for that: everything they post is worthwhile reading, so I’m just going to give you all the main page link and urge you to browse around a bit and enjoy the intelligent thinking and entertaining musings of The Rebs [John Doe finally did and he’s a convert].

-That’s all for now.  I may update later tonight or do a whole other Cache posting sometime this week.  I know I missed some of you.  Feel free to yell at me for the lack of linky love in the Comments.

  1. 10 October 2010 @ 21:07 21:07

    A great roundup of goodies there, some I didn’t know of……

  2. 10 October 2010 @ 21:40 21:40

    The lass in the foreground sends you her sincere appreciation for the kind link.

  3. 10 October 2010 @ 21:56 21:56

    Thanks for the links!

  4. 10 October 2010 @ 22:33 22:33

    Of course I blamed you.

    Right after I blamed Bush, of course.

    Thanks for the mighty TCOTS linkage!

  5. 10 October 2010 @ 23:04 23:04

    “Did they do an anal probe?” Ouch. That Minded Numb Robot cracks me up.

    Thanks for the links, Bob.

  6. bobbelvedere permalink*
    10 October 2010 @ 23:44 23:44

    Randy: Glad I could be of service.

    Ran: Give her my best, would you.

    Steven: You’re welcome.

    MNR: Of course.

    James Nicholas: Now the next question becomes: what does a robot anus look like?

  7. 11 October 2010 @ 10:05 10:05

    “…what does a robot anus look like?”
    There’s one sitting in the oval office.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      11 October 2010 @ 13:28 13:28

      MNR: Thank you for clearing up this matter – makes sense.

  8. 11 October 2010 @ 14:57 14:57

    Hey Bob thanks for the linky-love and the kind words. My very first RWN Moonbat! I’m very excited. If he follows me home can I keep him as a pet?

  9. bobbelvedere permalink*
    12 October 2010 @ 08:45 08:45

    Chris: Yes, under current law your may. However, you must keep it caged at all times, not allow it to associate with other Moonbats, and feed it only Hayekian Mystery Meat. You don’t have to get it fixed because the Kool Aid takes care of that.

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