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Notes From The Campaign Trail: 28 October 2010 A.D. [Updated Below]

28 October 2010 @ 14:46

Countdown: Five days from today is D-Day.

-From ABC News, Rick Klein reporting, we learn [tip of the fedora to Daniel Foster]:

The Democratic National Committee formally has asked the Pentagon for reams of correspondence between military agencies and nine potential Republican presidential candidates, a clear indication that Democrats are building opposition-research files on specific 2012 contenders even before the midterm elections.

An internal Army e-mail obtained by ABC News indicates that the DNC has filed Freedom of Information Act requests for “any and all records of communication” between Army departments and agencies and each of the nine Republicans — all of whom are widely mentioned as possible challengers to President Obama.

The agencies are asked to respond to the request by this Friday, just four days before Election Day.

The nine Republicans that Democrats are seeking information on are former Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska; former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass.; Gov. Haley Barbour, R-Miss.; Gov. Tim Pawlenty, R-Minn.; former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark.; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.; Sen. John Thune, R-S.D.; Gov. Mitch Daniels, R-Ind.; Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La.

The Anti-President has been whining about foreign money and influence in this Election to the point where, according to anonymous sources [or is it ‘souses’] of mine, the Secret Service has added a Waaahmbulance to the Presidential motorcade.  Strangely, however, he has been silent about this incidence of insidious influence by a rabid Canadian, as reported by Mark Krikorian over at The Corner.

Pictured: Presidential Waaahmbulance located behind the press bus.

According to the AFL-CIO, those of us who want to restore the freedoms and liberties given to us by The Founding Fathers hold ‘cultish beliefs’ [tip of the fedora to Michelle Malkin]:

Most cults are based in some sort of skewed spiritual vision or the worship of a charismatic leader, but there is a re-emerging cult that bows down at the feet of the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Many of them want to bring their cultish beliefs to the halls of Congress and are running for election this fall.

They’re called the “tenthers” and they say federal laws and rules like the minimum wage, Medicare, Social Security, unemployment insurance, the Department of Education, even child labor laws and a laundry list of other federal laws and programs are unconstitutional.

In the virtual world of Leftism, the normal is abnormal, right is wrong, good is evil, what is moral is perverse.

Look for the Tenther label….

[I’ll leave more commentary on this to Mr. Tenth Amendment, the Capo Di Tutti Capi of Federalists, Smitty.]

-I have to head offline for a bit, so it’s likely I’ll update this in the early evening.

UPDATED at 1715…

-I promise I won’t call Virginia Democratic Socialist Representative Jim Moran ‘Jim Moron’ any more — it is an unwarranted insult to all the morons out there who have never belittled and defamed the public service performed by a man who put on the uniform of his country and put his life on the line to protect us.

Jim Moran affords common citizens the level of regard he gives military service. Also, dryer lint

-I’m not an economist [I have, however, played one top meet girls at college parties], but I am a property owner and therefore I think I’m qualified to say that I wholeheartedly endorse The Smith Plan.

-Stacy McCain weighs-in on the additional video that has come to light on the Kentucky Head Stomping Incident  [which I commented on last night — ha, beat ya Stace!].

-DaTechguy has up an excellent post chronicling some of the voting shenanigans that have come to light.

-Over at The American Spectator, Matthew Vadum reports on how ACORN ‘Survives —And Thrives’; he also filed a follow-up at AmSpecBlog.

-Donald Douglas has updates on the races in Pennsylvania and California over at American Power.

-Over at WyBlog, Chris has the latest on Anna Little’s uphill battle against Frank Pallone [DS] in New Jersey 06.

-Pundette has some of the latest news on the Sean Bielat / Bwarney Fwank contest.

  1. 28 October 2010 @ 15:37 15:37

    The Pentagon request tells you who the Democrats are scared of.

  2. 29 October 2010 @ 07:21 07:21

    Good stuff, linked at RR: Hope-n-Change Death Watch

    Enjoy your weekend, Bobert

  3. bobbelvedere permalink*
    29 October 2010 @ 07:55 07:55

    Richard: Indeed.

    RR: Much appreciated – thank you. Have a great weekend.


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