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12 August 2010 @ 19:55

That’s my Americanization of the word ‘Ramadan’.  And, in my immodest opinion, it fits the situation very, very well.

By their actions, the Muslims are trying to ram Islam, and all the awfulness that is attached to it, down our throats, be it by building a mosque and Islamic ‘community center’ at Ground Zero or demanding public schools be closed on Muslim holidays or crying discrimination and bigotry every time someone dares criticise them or their ‘Religion Of Peace’.

By his actions, Barack Hussein Obama is trying to brainwash us into believing that Islam is a part of America’s DNA code and that it stands for nothing but positive things.  Witness his message yesterday before a dinner at The White House celebrating the start of Ramitdown [reprinted in full]:

On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I want to extend our best wishes to Muslims in America and around the world. Ramadan Kareem[*].

Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God. This is a time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared. But Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and pray during the night; when Muslims provide support to others to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.

These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country. And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.

I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.

May God’s peace be upon you.

Let’s take it a point at a time…

On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I want to extend our best wishes to Muslims in America and around the world. Ramadan Kareem.

I think it rather obvious now, Mr. Obama, that, just as in all of your other actions, you don’t speak on behalf of a good chunk of America.  In fact, you most often speak on behalf of those who are Anti-American, since you yourself despise everything this country stands for [you know, the country your harridan shrew wife is not proud of] — that’s why you are doing everything in your power to destroy it.  You can take your generosity to the ‘religion’ that requires each and everyone of it’s adherents to enslave or murder Infidels and put it where the sun don’t shine [your brain or your arse, it doesn’t matter which].

Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God.

Hey Clyde: the only wisdom and guidance Muslims are allowed to reflect on is that written or preached by fellow Muslims.  They are ordered to reject those of any Infidels.  And the only responsibility they have to others is to other Muslims — unless we’re talking about any Infidel slaves they own.

This is a time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared.

But not with infidels unless you are doing so as part of your taqiyya.

But Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and pray during the night;

Ah…however, they are given a dispensation: ‘Muslims traveling during the month of Ramadan or engaged in jihad need not observe the obligatory fast’.

when Muslims provide support to others to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere.

Having been educated in Islamic dogma, Obama, you know damn well that Muslims are required to provide ‘support’ ‘everywhere’ only for fellow Muslims.

For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.

Hey, after your term, you could get a job writing Hallmark Cards.  And by the way: I don’t want anyone like you building the world.  That is, ah, God’s job [the real one, not Allah] and he’s, ah, already done it…..oh, wait…I forgot: you’re the friggin’ Second Coming [Behold!  The Nancy-Boy Cometh!  Rejoice but hide your wallets!].

These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.

ROTFLMAO.  Last time I checked, Dumbo, we in The West don’t believe in Jihad, the stoning of men for committing homosexual acts, of women for adultery, of women for being raped, and on and on and on.  As to justice: we have trial by impartial juries, not by religious Star Chambers.  ‘Progress’, what progress — what has any practicing Muslim contributed to the progress of the world?  Allah encourages ignorance and despises creativity.  ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’, you Fool.  ‘Tolerance’?  See: ‘Jihad, obligation of every Muslim to wage’ in The Koran.  ‘The dignity of all human beings’?  I’m starting to wonder if some of my friends aren’t right and that means what you’re doing is practicing taqiyya here.

Check out Stacy McCain’s posting here — the last sentence is perfect in tone and content.

Check out Pat Austin’s comments on this passage here.

Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality.

Finally, a truth comes out of the man-child’s mouth: Islam does accept everyone who submits and enslaves themselves to the god of The Koran regardless of race or ethnic background.

And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country.

There you go again.  Islam has not always been a part of America, except that The Founding Fathers had to deal with the Jihadist Barbary Pirates who were seizing our ships and enslaving sailors and passengers, and, if they were women, consigning them to be defiled.  And name a single damn positive contribution made by any Muslim to America — you cannot.  Either you’re incredibly naive or you’re lying your skinny arse off.

And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.

I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.

What, no lavish tent parties or royal procession-like trips for the next month?  Are you going to fast while you’re on Nantucket?

May God’s peace be upon you.

‘Allah’s peace’ you mean — don’t you?


* Meanings…
Kareem: generous
Ramadan: ‘The name “Ramadan” had been the name of the ninth month in Arabian culture long before the arrival of Islam; the word itself derived from an Arabic root rmḍ, as in words like “ramiḍa” or “ar-ramaḍ” denoting intense heat, scorched ground and shortness of rations.’

  1. Adobe Walls permalink
    12 August 2010 @ 21:38 21:38

    ” And name a single damn positive contribution made by any Muslim to America — you cannot. Either you’re incredibly naive or you’re lying your skinny arse off.”
    I don’t think he’s naive I believe He is truly that ignorant. I wonder…. have you seen a picture of him reading a book?
    The Cross of St George or the Crescent Moon, one must fall.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      12 August 2010 @ 23:21 23:21

      Adobe: Read a book? He knows everything; He sees everything, Praise Oallah.

  2. Kathy from Kansas permalink
    13 August 2010 @ 01:18 01:18

    Kudos to you for having the patience to go through that tripe point by point. I could barely even get through reading it; my head was ready to explode halfway through the second paragraph.

    What a f*ckwad. Somebody wake me up from this ongoing nightmare, please.

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      13 August 2010 @ 07:48 07:48

      Kathy: You’re not the only one wishing for that.

  3. 13 August 2010 @ 10:53 10:53

    To the point as always!!!!

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      13 August 2010 @ 17:07 17:07

      Agnes: I’m just so fed up with people not opening their eyes after nine years to exactly who and what our enemy is – sometimes I just gotta rant a bit. BTW: thank you.


  1. That Bob Belvedere has some thought on Ramadan……… | The Daley Gator
  2. The WyBlog
  3. The House Of The Rising Muslim « The Camp Of The Saints
  4. Stop Draggin’ My Mosque Around « The Camp Of The Saints
  5. The Pablum Puke Of The Day… « The Camp Of The Saints

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