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TCOTS Is Back On The Air!

18 February 2010 @ 19:07

WordPress was down for a while*, but according to them, everything is back-up.

We now resume our regular programming…

Sadly for you, my distinguished readers, I may not be able to post what I had planned to earlier because I have to go off and create a birthday card for my mother, who turns eighty-four at Midnight.  I’ll be back as soon as I can.

*I just discovered that, when WordPress is down, you can follow developments at their Twitter account [go on, say it: DUH!!! ].  Man, I’m proud of being old school, but sometimes it ain’t a good thing.

  1. 18 February 2010 @ 19:57 19:57

    I was wondering what the hell happened to you and Gator. Had me worried there for a second Bob.

  2. 18 February 2010 @ 19:58 19:58

    Man! I was sweating it. I thought my browser had turned on me.

  3. bobbelvedere permalink*
    18 February 2010 @ 21:06 21:06

    I thought J-Nap had put the muscle on the WordPress folks to silence us VRWC bloggers; I was expecting a knock on the door at 3 AM and to hear that some mysterious gas had killed everyone at CPAC.

  4. 18 February 2010 @ 21:11 21:11

    “I thought J-Nap had put the muscle on the WordPress folks to silence us VRWC bloggers; I was expecting a knock on the door at 3 AM and to hear that some mysterious gas had killed everyone at CPAC.”

    The weekend isn’t over yet…

    • bobbelvedere permalink*
      18 February 2010 @ 21:35 21:35

      Those of us who couldn’t attend may end up being the only members of the VRWC left alive to carry on the fight….and fight, we will!

      • 18 February 2010 @ 21:39 21:39

        I was considering it, but then the little hairs on the back of my neck got nervous and I said…eh , not this time.

        We’ll have our work cut out for us Bob but we’ll get it done.

        • bobbelvedere permalink*
          18 February 2010 @ 22:58 22:58



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